12 May 2013


Yes... it's the second Sunday of the month May again. Ye, maybe ada segelintir daripada orang yang menempelak orang Islam menyambut Hari Ibu ini kerana merasakan bahawa meraikan hari ini adalah simbolik terhadap keraian ikon Kristian dan sebagainya.

Well, bagi aku, it's ok kalau nak meraikannya. Macam aku, aku tak celebrate mother's day sebab meraikan ikon tersebut. Jangan lah narrow minded sangat. Aku taknak terlalu radikal sehingga terlalu kolot. Memanglah orang cakap, "kenapa kena ada satu hari je nak celebrate. Sepatutnya tiap-tiap hari la meraikan kasih sayang terhadap ibu. Bukan sehari je". Hm... well, jangan jadi bodoh.

Dah nama pun special day kan, so why not gunakan this special day ni untuk buat something extra special? Bukan selepas hari ibu ni kita benci mereka pula tapi anggaplah satu hari ini dimana satu dunia meraikan jasa baik wanita yang bergelar ibu. Dah, malas nak ngomong banyak-banyak. Takkan habis punya. Haha.

So, kepada semua ibu-ibu di luar sana, nikmatilah hari ibu ini, ye. Happy Mother's Day!!

Jasa anda terhadap anak-anak tak mungkin dapat dibalas. I love my mother!


You've been the greatest mother to me
Teaching me many things that others never see
And so I write to you this very day
That The Lord may bless you in every way

Through the years of heartbreak and toil
You've always been there for this boy who you spoil
And now I'm a man whom you trained in the past
Though sometimes I may tell you to 'just kiss my ass'

Anyway I just wanted to say
Thank you my mother for starting me on His Way
For without your teaching I'd be lost today
But because of you and God by my side
Maybe I will find the bravery inside

The strength to withstand every personal attack
That mine enemies throw at me and I might just lack
And so to you the 'world's best Mom'
I'll remember you always as I dropp this bomb! ! !

Thank you, I love you Mom
Love, Your first born son.

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